Monday, October 17, 2005

My PRINCESS!!!  Posted by Picasa

Me, My baby, and my daddy Posted by Picasa

Me, my baby, and my dady!  Posted by Picasa

MY BABY!!!!!!!!!  Posted by Picasa

OHHH she's so cute!  Posted by Picasa

Sara and Princess Posted by Picasa

Jenna and our baby Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The fun group on North....Jeff, Megan, Jen, Sean, and I!  Posted by Picasa

Schmegan and Jeff! Posted by Picasa

Meggie and Jeffy!  Posted by Picasa

Amber, me, and Amy at the Corner! Posted by Picasa

Amy and I at the corner! Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 17, 2005

Hi Jen! ( At Jazz in the park...before she got "wasted") Posted by Hello

Aaron and I at the beginning of Jazz in the park Posted by Hello

Aaron and I at Jazz in the park Posted by Hello

Me and my wine stand!  Posted by Hello

Aaron decided to stick his tongue out apparently! Posted by Hello

Lee and Jen at Jazz in the park Posted by Hello

Amy and I  Posted by Hello

Lee and Jen's CHEESE face! Posted by Hello

Aaron and My CHEESE face! Posted by Hello

Amy and my CHEESE face! Posted by Hello

Jen and Lee chugging the pitchers! Posted by Hello

Lee slamming his last beer Posted by Hello

Aaron and I at the the bar! Posted by Hello